Week 15 Part B: Building Out Your Strategy

 I plan on posting 3 times a week on my business Instagram account. I want to focus on Instagram more than any other platform because it is easy for me to use and feel comfortable with its features. Facebook is another one I want to start posting more on. I have gotten more comfortable using Facebook because of this class and I hope to learn more while I use it throughout my business. I also think it is a good idea to post on TikTok. I can be more creative with the things I post and can get an audience using TikTok for my business. It is important to do quality over quantity so I want to post three times a week or more depending on how much time I have to do so. I have also been wanting to start a Youtube channel to grow my business more. I feel that Youtube is a good place to just grow an audience and could also be a good side hustle.


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