Week 4 Part A: Defining Target Markets

 Set 1:

Comparing Armstrong Garden Center and Rancho Vista Nursery there are a few differences right off the bat on the look for their websites. Armstrong Garden just has a lot more links and resources than Rancho Vista Nursery. For example, looking at Armstrong's website they have links to their shop, Landscape, stores, classes and events, advice, and an about us link. Whereas Rancho Vista has just a home page and a page about their farmstand. Having lots of resources on your website makes it look professional and can give the customer something to look at when they are visiting the site. They both have pictures but Armstrong has more compared to Rancho Vista which also makes things look more professional. You can tell the target audience by the pictures on the sites and but honestly, gardening can be for anyone it doesn't have a specific audience. The Rancho Vista Nursery can improve on its logo by maybe adding colors and maybe having a specific shape to it. 

Set 2:

Comparing Subway to Hungry Bear there are a few differences off the bat. For example, the colors. The colors are significantly different. It looks like Subway is going for more of a fresh colorful theme whereas Hungry Bear is going for more of a red and green color scheme. They both look professional and both have great branding and high definition pictures on their websites. It is interesting to compare the two because they are completely different styles of food but their website has a similar feel to them. Another thing that is different about them is the pictures. Subway has more pictures and they seem to be fewer pictures of what is on their menu and more marketing/stock photo pictures. Whereas Hungry Bear has more pictures of the food that is on their menu.


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